Immaculate pair of gold and enamelled mourning brooches for Gabriel Vrignon(1737-1815),a French Merchant for the East India Company and his wife Joanna Vrignon(1753-94).
Both brooches were made in 1815 in identical styles,united in death.Poignantly a lock of Joanna's hair must had been kept for 21 years for this purpose.Gabriel's brooch has an enamelled legend 'Sacred to the Memory of My Beloved Father Vrignon' and Joanna's simply 'Sacred to the memory of a Relative'.
Gabriel was born on October 26 1737, in Chandernagore, West Bengal, India and Joanna(formerly Da Costa) on January 16 1753,in Madras. They married in 1773 and records show she had between 4 and 11 children before she died aged 41.Gabriel Vrignon as a family name can be traced through generations of merchants to the c20th.
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